Sara in the village – the village in the world

(Sara i byn – byn i världen / English translation)

And I stood alone, left in the courtyard
and thought about the little, big World
the divinely beautiful and the satanically ugly
and became scared at the thought that
the courtyard and I were a part of that world

Sara Lidman, The Diary, 1942

This exhibition is produced and designed by Ellenor Lindgren with support by Jonas Lundqvist, Harald Larsen and Missenträsk’s community center.
Cabinetmaker: Erik Edström

Sources: Birgitta Holm – Sara i liv och text, Annelie Bränström Öhman – Stilens munterhet: författardagböcker från Missenträsk 1975–1985, and the Research Archives at Umeå University

Thanks to: Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan, Sara Lidman literary society, Rose-Marie Lindfors, Birgitta Larsson, Göran Larsson, Gunilla Bresky, Erik Danielsson and Ulla Danielsson. 

The exhibition has received funding from Leader, Skellefteå Älvdal and EU/state.


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