(Sara i byn – byn i världen / English translation)
And I stood alone, left in the courtyard
Sara Lidman, The Diary, 1942
and thought about the little, big World
the divinely beautiful and the satanically ugly
and became scared at the thought that
the courtyard and I were a part of that world
This exhibition is produced and designed by Ellenor Lindgren with support by Jonas Lundqvist, Harald Larsen and Missenträsk’s community center.
Cabinetmaker: Erik Edström
Sources: Birgitta Holm – Sara i liv och text, Annelie Bränström Öhman – Stilens munterhet: författardagböcker från Missenträsk 1975–1985, and the Research Archives at Umeå University
Thanks to: Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan, Sara Lidman literary society, Rose-Marie Lindfors, Birgitta Larsson, Göran Larsson, Gunilla Bresky, Erik Danielsson and Ulla Danielsson.
The exhibition has received funding from Leader, Skellefteå Älvdal and EU/state.